August 30, 2012

《注射疫苗不等於免疫》第二版的中譯本翻譯陳萬吉(右5)邀請陳國偉(左7)主持推介禮,並呼吁大眾關注注射疫苗與自閉症的問題。左4起為林晉伙、陳伯雄、單敬英、羅志興、黃傳好、戴德及賴玉蘭。(圖:光明日報) 今年每67人1患自閉症‧注射疫苗不等於免疫 • 要聞中馬地方2012-08-29 11:47 (吉隆坡28日訊)《注射疫苗不等於免疫》第二版中譯本的翻譯陳萬吉聲稱,他以前深信疫苗可預防疾病,即使26歲的孩子患上自閉症,也從未懷疑孩子的疾病與疫苗有關,直至閱讀英文版《注射疫苗不等於免疫》後才恍然大悟,並親自將原文翻譯成中文版,希望藉此呼吁大眾關注注射疫苗的隱憂。 他週二在新書推介禮上說,根據書中資料顯示,注射疫苗將有可能造成孩童患上自閉症,而美國在1980年強制注射20種疫苗時,發現每1萬人中,便有1人患上自閉症;而2012年增加至68種強制疫苗時,則每67人中,有1人患上自閉症。 “由此得知,自閉症與注射疫苗是有關連的,而針對疫苗造成自閉症的個案,國外有多個受害家庭在法庭獲得勝訴,引起社會關注。” 11月“免疫及注射疫苗”講座 他披露,作者添姆歐謝爾醫生拒絕讓他照顧的3萬5000名孩童注射疫苗,所有孩童至今沒有一人患上自閉症。 他說,他得到作者添姆歐謝爾醫生的許可,在馬來西亞發行中譯本,而此書也獲得國外多名兒科、腦部外科、病理學、化學、生物及免疫專家的簽署認同。 “添姆歐謝爾將在11月3日前來馬來西亞,發表‘免疫及注射疫苗’的科學講座,歡迎大家出席。” 他提到,講座時間將從早上8時至傍晚6時,地點是吉隆坡珍珠國際酒店,費用為320令吉。 他披露,《注射疫苗不等於免疫》第二版中譯本的售價為50令吉,其中10令吉收入將捐助給華抿自閉症協會,每賣出一本書籍,他也會額外捐助10令吉善款。 除此,陳萬吉也設立一個有關疫苗與自閉症的中文資訊網,並預計在10月運作,網址為。 衛部應建立疾病資料庫 民主行動黨蕉賴區國會議員陳國偉說,衛生部應建立疾病資料庫,不要一直處於被動狀態,引用國外的研究報告。 “我國對引發自閉症的問題,沒有進行相關研究,除了發放援助金外,無法給予受害家庭實際援助。” 他認為,全球自閉症患者共有6800萬人,換言之,即100人中有1人患有自閉症,而書中所揭露的問題,應讓大眾省思。 他承諾,他將在下一次召開國會會議時,將疫苗與自閉症的課題帶入國會討論。 “對於國外多個針對疫苗與自閉症的勝訴個案,我覺得國會應討論此事,研擬政策保護人民。” 隆4選區郵寄選民增 陳國偉促選委會解釋 民主行動黨全國大選備戰委員會主席陳國偉揭露,吉隆坡的4個國會選區突然劇增不少郵寄選民,尤其以班底谷國會選區最為嚴重,從2008年的185名,增加超過10倍的攀升至2102人,足以影響第十三屆全國大選的成績。 他說,截至2012年6月8日,其他暴增郵寄選民的地方,包括泗岩沫區、蒂蒂旺莎區及敦拉薩鎮區,分別增加1616人、1559人及769人。 他週二出席《注射疫苗不等於免疫》第二版的中文譯本的新書推介禮後召開記者會,如此指出他披露,按照過往郵寄選票成績,顯示軍警都是“有默契”地投票,並懷疑這是在政府或軍方高層的影響下的結果。 “國陣利用各種手段贏取選區,導致來屆大選沒辦法在透明的情況下進行。” 對此,陳國偉希望選舉委員會解釋,並好奇郵寄選民究竟在哪裡“空降”而來? 他補充,隨著郵寄選票的增加,無形中將造成重大效應,直接影響來屆全國大選的成績。 (光明日報)

August 16, 2012

謠言無中生有‧羅志興:我沒辭黨職 雪隆(星洲日報/大都會) 2011-03-17 12:21 (吉隆坡14日訊)行動黨社青團總秘書羅志興澄清,邇來一直有謠言指他會辭掉全部黨職,是無中生有的事,此事也讓造謠者失望。 他發表文告說,英文《星報》在本月10日,在其地方版首頁大副度報導雪州蘇丹拒絕民聯提呈名單,以便委任吉隆坡市政局咨詢委員的新聞刊登之後,對他及家人造成莫大的傷害,因他是行動黨提呈的唯一人選。 “還好,我有良好的情緒智商管理,讓我及家人度過了一次又一次的挑戰。我和家人要衷誠感謝這幾天來致電,傳短訊和寫電郵給予我和家人精神上支持和對這件事情表達關注的全體人士、居協和黨同志。” 羅志興也是行動黨聯邦直轄區州財政和蕉賴區國會議員政治秘書。 他對於有關決定,深表遺憾,但他從不計較個人的得與失。但是行動黨的立場,價值觀和原則是不容妥協和受到任何的挑釁!” 他在文告中聲明,這是他最後一次回應雪州民聯政府就委任吉隆坡市政局咨詢委員一事做出的最後回應和澄清,以後絕口不提。 Selangor likely to pick doc for DBKL advisory board By BAVANI M and PRIYA MENON 11.3.2011 A DOCTOR, who is a well respected figure in the community, is expected to represent Selangor in the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) Advisory Board. His name has been submitted by the Selangor government for the Sultan of Selangor’s approval. The rules and regulations that state the board must have 15 members, with the Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Ministry, the Finance Ministry and the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister’s Depart-ment having one representative each and the Selangor government having two. The term of the previous two Selangor members on the board expired last May 31. A source said many were also disappointed with Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim for not standing firm on his decision to maintain the original names. Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai said the Federal Territory DAP state committee had a right to nominate their own people on the board and that they were adamant that his political secretary Loh Chee Heng was picked. Tan said Loh, who was the former Federal Territory DAP state secretary, had the support of the Selangor DAP state committee as well. “They believe they need someone like Loh who has worked with DBKL and is familiar with the issues in Kuala Lumpur. “If the mentri besar thinks a replacement should be found then he should discuss this with our state committee. “He can choose to replace the PKR candidate if he wants too, that is his prerogative. “But when it comes to the DAP, let us decide for our slot,” Tan said. Tan was commenting on the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah’s decree that a professional with no political leanings represent Selangor on the DBKL advisory board. He said choosing someone with no political background might not be the best option because he or she would not have the people’s interest at heart. Thursday March 10, 2011 Palace rejects Pakatan candidates shortlisted for advisory board By BAVANI M ATEMPTS by Pakatan Rakyat to finally have representation in the Kuala Lumpur City Hall’s Advisory Board hit a snag when the two candidates shortlisted by the Selangor government were rejected by the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah. According to a reliable source close to Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, the Sultan did not want political appointees to represent Selangor, but instead wanted qualified professionals with the interest of the people at heart. The source said this was the reason why there had been a delay in the appointment of Selangor appointees on the City Hall Advisory board. The previous two Selangor appointees’ term on the board had expired last May 31. Apparently the two candidates who were selected are affiliated to the DAP and PKR. “The Sultan was firm on this matter and wanted only qualified individuals to sit on the board. He had requested the Mentri Besar to submit new names,’’ said the source, adding that heeding the Sultan’s request, Khalid had since withdrawn the original candidates and have submitted a new name to the Sultan. When contacted, the Sultan’s private sec¬retary Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani confirmed that the Mentri Besar’s office had submitted the name of a new candidate in accordance with the Sultan’s wishes of having only qualified professional candidates to represent Selangor. According to the Rules and Regulations of the Advisory Board of the City of Kuala Lumpur 1989: the board must have 15 members, with the Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Ministry, the Finance Ministry, and the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department having one representative each, and the Selangor state government having two representatives. The remaining members must be individuals with knowledge on local government issues, professionals with expertise on commerce or industry to represent the needs and interest of the local community. Meanwhile, it is learnt that DAP is standing firm on its decision to have Loh Chee Heng, who is Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai’s political secretary to sit on the board. Loh, who was the former Federal Territory DAP state secretary was picked for his strong grassroots support. “Loh is an excellent candidate for the board; he has vast experience in community service with local government knowledge. “He is a resident of Selangor and can speak several languages,’’ said Tan. “His political background is irrelevant as the current members of the DBKL board are political appointees from Umno, MCA, MIC and Gerakan anyway. I think what is important here is performance and Loh has proven that he is more than capable,’’ added Tan. He also said the matter had been delayed too long as the appointment of Selangor reps should have been done last June. “Even though Pakatan government took over Selangor in March 2008, we allowed the Selangor reps from the previous BN government to stay on despite having the right to replace them, “ he added. When asked to comment on the delay of appointments recently, Khalid confirmed there was a delay, but added a suitable candidate had been selected and an announcement will be made soon. “As to the other candidate, we have to look at it very seriously because there must be a consensus in regards to representation. “The person must be politically affiliated to the PR government and professionally respected too,’’ said Khalid. The said candidate will be recommended to the Selangor Sultan for his endorsement at the end of the month. DBKL advisory board members are appointed by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on the recommendation of the prime minister as stipulated in the Federal Capital Act 1960. It is no secret that Selangor has been wanting to get on the board as it would enable the Pakatan-led government of Selangor to be represented on the board the first time in 30 years. The current advisory board members Chairman - Datuk Seri Ahmad Fuad Ismail 1) Datuk Bakaruddin Othman - Federal Territories Ministry 2 Datuk Mustapa Kamal Mohd Yusof - Seputeh Umno 3) Datuk Yahaya Mat Ghani@Abbas - Batu Umno 4) Datuk Sharifah Aminah Syed Ahmad - Lembah Pantai Umno 5) Ramanathan Chinnu - Batu MIC 6) Lim Si Pin - Batu Gerakan 7) Datuk Ir Abdul Latif Mohd Som 8) Datuk Himmat Singh - EPU of Prime Minister’s Department 9) Datuk Micheal K.C Yam - Rehda 10) Siti Fatimah Daud 11) Chin Yen Foo@Banie Chin - Seputeh MCA Thursday October 8, 2009 DAP, PKR reps may soon join the board THE latest members of the DBKL advisory board may be political appointees from Umno, MCA, Gerakan and MIC, but Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai said that Pakatan Rakyat would soon have its own candidates on the board. According to Tan, based on the Rules and Regulations of the Advisory Board of the City of Kuala Lumpur 1989, the board must have 15 members, with the Federal Territories Ministry, the Finance Ministry, and the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department having one representative each, and the Selangor state government having two representatives. “The terms for the current Selangor representative will soon expire, and we will be replacing them with our people,” Tan said. Tan added that there will be one rep from the DAP and another from PKR. “The DAP has proposed Loh Chee Heng, who is my political secretary, as one of the members of the board,” Tan said. According to Tan, Loh, who is also the Federal Territory DAP state secretary, is an excellent candidate and has worked well with the community and has close grassroots support. The two current Selangor representatives are Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) chairman Datuk Setia Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa and lawyer Mah Hang Yew. They were appointed by the previous Barisan Nasional state government and their terms will expire in a few months time. Once the Pakatan Rakyat-controlled state government replaces the two incumbent Selangor representatives with its own nominated members, it will be the first time that the opposition alliance will be represented on the board. In February, Selangor MB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim told StarMetro that the state was reviewing the situation and it was getting feedback from the current Selangor appointees. Khalid, who is also the Bandar Tun Razak MP, said that the best people to represent the residents of Kuala Lumpur were the 11 MPs elected by the people. Khalid also acknowledged the fact that the advisory board had not been as effective as it should be as members only met six times a year and the mayor could override decisions made by the advisors. During the first meeting with the Pakatan Rakyat MPs in January, mayor Datuk Ahmad Fuad Ismail rejected their request to be represented on the advisory board. Their argument was that since the Opposition had won 10 of the 11 seats it was only logical that they be appointed as members of the board. But, the DBKL has chosen to remain silent on this. The current line-up has been criticised for being pro-development and politically motivated.

August 14, 2012

晚上換水錶?誰敢開門 屋主怕3男進屋變匪徒 地方隆雪.大城事 13/08/2012 17:00 吉隆坡13日訊)3名不明人士自稱為雪州水供公司職員,欲為住戶更換水錶,住戶心存疑慮,擔心是匪徒行劫新手法而沒有開門,並希望公眾提高警惕。 事主唐伯濃(74歲)指出,他週六晚上8時30分左右,聽見屋外有吵雜聲,出外查看,發現3名巫裔人士對著水錶指指點點。他上前詢問,對方自稱是來自雪州水供有限公司,因為接到投訴才前來更換水錶。 沒發傳票 他說,他沒有做過類似投訴,妻子也沒,因此對對方的舉止感到奇怪。 “對方還拿出一份信函,里面的名字是我的岳父,但我看不懂內容。” 他與對方以馬來語交涉差不多一個半小時,對方堅持要他更換水錶,他則堅持不開門。 “對方表示若我不更換水錶,將被罰款,我就要他們立刻發傳票,但他們沒有任何行動。” 他說,最終對方見他絲毫沒有開門的意思,就離開現場。 他今日向行動黨社青團總秘書羅志興投訴時,這么指出。 他說,當時3名男子身穿便服,也沒有出示證件,讓他起疑。 “我見他們離開時,駕的車也是普通國產車,但沒印上水供公司的標誌。” 他指出,他是擔心匪徒喬裝行劫,所以才一直不肯讓對方進來,住家附近也常出現掠奪案件。 羅志興:職員執勤會穿制服 羅志興說,匪徒搶劫手法層出不窮,唐氏所面對的,很可能是匪徒犯案的新手法。 他指出,根據他向雪州水供公司了解,一般上,該公司職員只會在白天工作,而且在執勤時會穿上制服,即使是承包商也會有外套,並帶有證件,也會駕駛公司提供的交通工具。 “對方沒有符合上述條件,事主遇到的可能是匪徒。” 他希望民眾提高警惕,若在最近遇到同樣狀況,可以聯絡他,他要收集資料向相關單位反映。 他會致函給水供公司,要求后者規定職員嚴厲遵守以上規則,以免引起不必要的麻煩。 “我也會要求警方在這一帶多巡邏。” 羅志興聯絡電話:016-2379444。
扮水供公司員工欲入屋換水錶‧老伯機警識破匪詭計 • 雪隆(星洲日報/大都會) 2012-08-14 16:37 光明日报要闻 (圖:星洲日報)唐伯濃(中)向羅志興(右)述說3名假扮雪州水工公司員工的不明人士前來拆水錶的過程,左為陳玉蘭。 (吉隆坡13日訊)3名疑是匪徒的不明人士假扮雪州水供公司員工前往蕉賴6哩村瓜里路(Jalan Kuari)的民宅強拆水錶,機警老伯執意寧接罰單也不願讓對方進屋拆水錶,最終得以打發他們並逃過一劫。僥倖逃過一劫的唐伯濃在新聞發佈會上透露,上週六晚約8時30分他突然聽到屋外傳來一些聲音,於是他便走出屋外探個究竟,竟發現有3名口操國語的人士在籬笆外,伸手欲拆掉裝置在籬笆邊的水錶。“其中一人手持2把鉗子欲伸手拆掉裝置在籬笆旁的水錶,於是我便馬上質問對方為何要拆我家的水錶。”他表示,對方出示有關信件說明該住址用戶曾向水供公司申請更換水錶,因此特地前來將水錶拆走。 信件無水供公司標誌 儘管對方出示文件,可是唐伯濃識字不多,因此無法確定該信件是否偽造,但信件上不見水供公司的標誌。他多次與對方說明不願讓對方拆水錶,更強調從沒向該公司申請更換水錶,豈料對方也不願妥協。“後來,一名相信也是對方同黨的人士走過來,對我說要拆掉水錶以便拿回公司交差,否則要開罰單給我。” 寧接罰單也不讓拆水錶 由於3名年齡介於22至30歲的不明人士並沒有身穿水供公司的制服,也沒有帶著任何工具箱,加上當時又不是工作時間,所以唐伯濃堅決地向對方表示,自己寧願接獲罰單也不願讓他們將水錶拆走。雙方糾纏了約1個小時後,對方便在晚上9時30分坐上一輛白色的國產車離開。唐伯濃表示,他在該區居住約30多年,不曾發生過類似的案件,昨晚是第一次。唐伯濃的太太陳玉蘭表示,朋友也曾遇到不明人士喬裝技術人員而遭殃,因此他們隨時都提高警惕。由於該房子旁的小徑經常發生掠奪案,讓他們飽受驚嚇,每當有陌生人經過,他們都會感到害怕。 水供公司指未派人換水錶 羅志興:疑匪徒打劫新招 蕉賴區國會議員政治秘書兼民主行動黨社青團全國總秘書羅志興就此事聯絡雪州水供公司,該公司已證實不曾委派人員前去該住址更換水錶。 他說,通常該公司員工的工作時間一般是在白天,除了駕駛著該公司的車輛以外,他們也會身穿制服,另外有關人員也會出示相關的信函已證實該住戶曾向該公司投訴。“進門打搶已經不是新鮮事,我懷疑這是匪徒打劫的新招式,來到蕉賴6哩村尋找獵物,況且唐伯濃的住家面向大路,搶後便可以馬上逃走。” 要求員工穿制服戴證件 他表示,較後將會正式發出投訴信件予該公司以反映有關問題,並要求該公司強制讓人員在工作時穿上制服,並須出示工作證件。羅志興也呼吁居民若發現類似的可疑人物在附近出沒,請馬上聯絡他(016-2379444),除了讓他能夠收集資料向該公司反映問題以外,也能向警方投報有關事件的發生。

August 11, 2012

2012-08-11 Pejabat Yang Berhormat Ahli Parlimen Cheras mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tetuan Alam Flora S/B yang sudi membekalkan 40 biji Mobile Garbage Bin 240 L kepada 40 buah pekedai di Jalan Cerapu dan Jalan Cerapu 1, Off Batu 3 ½, Jalan Cheras Kuala Lumpur secara edaran PERCUMA. 行动党蕉赖区国会议员办事处感谢自然花了免费给予40个容量240公升的垃圾桶于蕉赖三英里半的Jalan Cerapu 和 Jalan Cerapu 1商家店铺。
恭贺全体中选为槟城州社青团新领导层2012-2015党团同志。众志成城,迈向布城。社青团秘书处恭贺。Congratulated New Line Up for up 2012-2015 DAPSY Penang Ordinary Convention. From DAPSY HQ Secretariat. Tahniah dan Syabas kepada semua Saudara/Saudari Dipilih sebagai DAPSY Jawatankuasa Negeri Pulau Penang 2012-2015. Urus Setia DAPSY Pusat.