September 29, 2011

行动党蕉赖区国会议员政治秘书罗志兴要求吉隆坡市政局工程与河流组关注蕉赖国会选区公共道路,以免再次铺了又损坏,危害道路使用者的安全。迩来雨季,加上道路车流量有增无减的情况下,公共道路容易损坏并出现积水。例如在蕉赖友力花园入口双项道路在今年1月期间便损坏和积水,吉隆坡市政局在今年内便动用了部门本身的人力和物力进行维修和铺路,但是不到两个月便损坏。我们再次在4月初又要求市政局再次铺路,但是同样的地点在8月头又损坏。相同的例子在六哩村瓜里路和SEMERAH PADI路(通往蕉赖第一花园路口)也是发生同样的事件,令驾驶人士心惊胆跳!
日期获得招标工程 维修公路地段/铺上沥青 工程价格(马币)
27.1.2011 蕉赖斯嘉镇玛妮2路和玛妮5路(包括行人道,沟渠盖) 9万8千380元
24.2.2011 蕉赖六哩村18路维修路提,沟渠和道路 9万9千574元
24.2.2011 陈秀莲5路 9万9千770元
10.3.2011 蕉赖美达花园8A路 9万6千890元
21.4.2011 蕉赖青年合作社花园4/92B路,2/92B巷和1/92B巷 9万7千895元
21.4.2011 蕉赖青年合作社花园2/92B路 9万8千215元
6月2011年 从蕉赖路/敦拉萨路/陈秀莲路十字路口一直到大同花园
(双边道路6条巷)大约8公里(15个星期的工程) 3百92万6千258元

7项工程费用共 4百51万6千982元 图表2

Sejak 1 bulan yang lepas pejabat kami banyak menerima aduan daripada penduduk-penduduk, peniaga-peniaga di sekitar Batu 4, Jalan Cheras, Taman Cheras, Taman Midah, Jalan Cheras Hartamas dan Kawasan Industri Taman Midah menyatakan lampu-lampu awam dibawah penyelenggaraan Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) tidak bernyala pada waktu malam atau bernyala pada siang waktu.

Untuk makluman tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, pihak kami telah mengambil tindakan segera menyalurkan aduan ini kepada call centre DBKL 1800 88 3255 dan tindakan mengarahkan kontraktor elektrikal telah di arahkan oleh Pengarah, Jabatan Mekanikal dan Elektrikal, DBKL berpusat di Batu 2 1/2, Jalan Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.

Walaubagaimana pun, maklum balas daripada jabatan berkenaan mengatakan sebilangan besar kabel lampu awam telah di potong dan dicuri atau berlakunya vendalisme di lokasi berkenaan.

Kami akan terus meminta jabatan tersebut buat kerja sebaik-baiknya untuk membaik pulihg kerosakan lampu awam DBKL tersebut demi keselesaan dan keselamatan orang awam.

Loh Chee Heng
Setiausaha Politik
Ahli Parlimen Cheras
Tel: 03-92857532 Faks: 03-92830388

September 28, 2011

中央政府在吉隆坡地区兴建的人民组屋(Projek Perumahan Rakyat:PPR)空置单位不超过2千间。向吉隆坡市政局申请租赁的家庭却远远超过2万个,而且还在等待批准信件当中。此外,副部长特别强调,所谓的空置单位是位于吉隆坡雪州蒲种亲善村(PPR Kg Muhibbah)。当该政府地段涉及发展,那么这些寄住在政府地上的木屋家庭将会被遣派到空置的蒲种亲善村单位。
Applicants outnumber available people's housing units
Submitted by shaza on Tuesday, September 27th, 2011
• Local
• News
• People's Housing Project (PPR)
• Community
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 11:42:00
KUALA LUMPUR: Vacant People's Housing Project (PPR) units in Kuala Lumpur number less than two thousand, while the number of applicants on the waiting list is 10 times that, at a staggering 20,000.
These figures pose a massive challenge to Kuala Lumpur City Hall and the Federal Territories and Urban Well-being (FTUW) ministry's efforts to relocate squatters into public housing.
FTUW Deputy Minister Datuk M. Saravanan said yesterday, vacant units are only available at PPR Muhibbah in Puchong.
"We are in the process of developing a number of areas to make KL more conducive for citizens. As the demand for PPR houses is higher than what we can offer, City Hall is facing difficulty allocating such units to every applicant. However, priority will be given to squatters affected by development, especially squatters on government land," he said.
Saravanan said squatters on private-owned land are the responsibility of the land owners.
"Those land owners are responsible for solving squatter housing issues in their areas. On our part, we will temporarily relocate squatters to long houses or readily available PPR units."
The issue of a limited number of available PPR units arose after a front-page report in a local Tamil daily which cited a 60-year-old woman who was unhappy although offered a PPR unit at PPR Muhibbah.
Saravanan said the woman wanted a house at PPR Seri Alam instead and threatened to commit suicide if her wish was not fulfilled.
"Do not ever threaten the government in such a manner as we won't oblige. Imagine if we gave in to this woman's demands, more people would do the same to get their way," he said.
Saravanan stressed City Hall can make an exception in special cases.
"For example, if a resident's legs have been amputated due to diabetes and he seeks a lower level unit, we can accommodate this depending on availability of units or at the discretion of the minister. This could also be discussed at City Hall's branch offices every Thursday."
In July, The Malay Mail reported that out of 52,914 families renting PPR units, 41,029 were defaulters but only 20 per cent could be catergorised as hardcore poor.
City Hall's housing management director Sukiman Surahman said earlier the council had identified 2,000 PPR units in the hands of the hardcore poor as of April and there were plans to group these families for transfer into one separate PPR area.
Such a move would make it easier for the government to monitor this group.

September 25, 2011


September 20, 2011

吉打州務大臣拿督斯里阿茲然承認,州政府購買一輛新“S型”馬賽迪官車,車牌號碼是“KCX 8”,否認充作其私人用途 .(吉打州务大臣必需作出详细的解释,为何花费纳税人的大量金钱用在不实际的用途上.马赛地马来西亚网站一辆最低价格的S300L型要RM663,948.00最高价RM1,075,935.00.这还不包括保险!

September 18, 2011

目睹恶少抢劫同学 2男生遭围殴

目睹恶少抢劫同学 2男生遭围殴
二零一一年九月十八日 凌晨十二时十分光华日报全国版

证实其一狂徒 为被开除学生

• 要聞• 中馬• 地方
2011-09-17 19:11

瞥见流氓帮当街勒索同学 2中三生好奇被殴伤
• 全国南洋商报
2011-09-17 18:24


September 13, 2011

Hawkers suspect corruption in tycoon deal Stephanie Sta Maria | September 13, 2011Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary wins an RM58 million purchase bid for the land but the Jalan Merlimau market hawkers consider it a death knell for their business.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Jalan Merlimau market is stark in its bareness. With a dusty cement floor, wooden beams and clutter of stalls, tables and chairs there is really nothing much to notice.
Except perhaps for the long pristine white banner hanging right in the middle of the market trumpeting the accolades of businessman Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary who has since won an RM58 million purchase bid for the 3.08 acre land.
The 300 hawkers, in what is better known as the Kenanga market, regard the banner as a death knell for their business.
The company, Konsortium Jentera Sdn Bhd/Nusantara Sdn Bhd, will build a Wholesale Textile Centre there but has reneged on an earlier agreement to house the market into the new building.
Even more disturbing is that the Ministry of Finance (MoF) awarded the land to Konsortium despite there being a second company which submitted a higher bid of RM88 million.
Suspecting something is amiss and fearing for their future, a group of hawkers accompanied by Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai and Bukit Bintang MP Fong Kui Lun, lodged a report with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) this afternoon.
According to Tan, the ministry’s intentions to sell the land first surfaced when a survey was carried out on the land last September.
The Hawkers Department under the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) invited the traders for a meeting and informed them that there will be “certain changes to their lives and business”.
In April this year the department invited Tan, Fong and the hawkers to another meeting during which they were told of the land deal and the proposed project.
“By that time we already formed a committee and submitted a memorandum of protest. We objected to any development plan that didn’t include the market in the new building,” said Tan.
An agreement was reached that any corporation which won the land bid will also be required to submit a displacement plan for the hawkers.
Two companies submitted a tender – Konsortium and Kenanga Wholesale City Sdn Bhd.
On July 28, the MoF announced that the land will be sold to the former to build the 35-storey block. And amost immediately, Konsortium withdrew its agreement to move the market into the new premises.
‘It’s a big figure’

“I don’t believe the land deal is genuinely based on the consideration of the sum offered,” Tan said. “We’re talking about RM30 million difference, 51.7%. It’s a big figure!”
Tan explained that the basic principles of land deals involving government agencies are to develop the land and ensure optimum revenue is earned.
“This is evidence that Konsortium went against the tender principle,” he pointed out.
“The ministry should cancel the deal because Konsortium failed to abide by the principles. The land should be surrendered back to the government,” he added.
Tan and Fong have held countless meetings with DBKL, the Hawkers Department and Kuala Lumpur Mayor, Ahmad Fuad Ismail, over the issue. All three told the duo that the ministry has directed them to find another location for the market.
“So even the Federal Territories Minister (Raja Nong Chik) is helping Konsortium flaunt the rules,” Tan said.
“Any alternative site must be close to the original site but now only one piece of land is available. It is near the Pudu LRT station and belongs to Keretapi Tanah Melayu (KTM).
“KTM will lease the land but that means the possibility of the hawkers having to move yet again. They have already moved once. Don’t treat them like refugees.
“The market is 60-years-old and a proper structure was built for it 40 years ago. Most of the hawkers have been running their family businesses over those decades. Where will they go otherwise?” he added.
Tan said that both him and Fong have repeatedly tried to set up a meeting with Nong Chik over the past month but have been rebuffed.
“(Prime Minister) Najib (Tun Razak’s) administration says people first but not even the people’s representatives are able to secure a meeting with Nong Chik,” he said.
“It just shows that his pledge is nothing but a bluff,” he added.
Both MPs will raise the issue when Parliament sits next month and call for the MoF to explain its decision.
The hawkers meanwhile have taken it upon themselves to put up three smaller banners condemning Konsortium’s take over in a desperate attempt to change their now bleak future.
“My father opened his curry mee stall here since I was nine,” said a hawker, Hau, 61. “We’ve already moved once to make way for a new building. I don’t want to move again.”
“Have you seen the land they want to move us to? It’s so unkempt and far away, and it’s not government land. I don’t know what we’re going to do if this company is allowed to go ahead.”


